Monday, July 27, 2009

My First Post...

After reading other people's blogs for quite some time now (which I define as since January), I finally decided to start my own. After all, how hard can it be to come up with something creative and fun to read on a daily basis (maybe I shouldn't have...). I figured that my immobilized shoulder will keep me from doing actual work right now so I decided to write. I'll try and keep my first post short.

There were a lot of things that I expected to happen after I had my shoulder surgery, but most of those were about pain or physical limitations. However, one major thing I did not anticipate seems to play a large part in my everyday routine: terrible conversations. Upon seeing me most people ask about my injury (which is fine), talk about their own experiences with a shoulder injury (which is fine), or make the odd Ultrasling III joke (see the picture-- it looks kinda cool). But please, please, don't "put it all into perspective." I'm not trying to feel sorry for myself, but being "put into perspective" is incredibly irritating and doesn't accomplish anything.

Oh, you tore your labrum? If it's any consolation to you I got a buddy that got in a motorcycle wreck. He ran of the road, hit a tree and popped his shoulder clear off his arm. Paramedics were lookin' in the woods for my buddy's shoulder socket and found it fitty yards from the crash site. You should consider yourself lucky you only have a torn labrum.

Uhh... Thanks! After hearing that my shoulder has stopped hurting. Wow. At least its still attached.
The unfortunate part is that that story is not really an exaggeration.

Hope y'all liked it... Soon, with more better stuff (with apologies to Suldog-- won't happen again).


  1. Welcome to Blogland, J.J. I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us.

  2. Use it as often as you like. Plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery :-)
